THINK Global School

Lily Just
Director of Admissions

THINK Global School is a traveling high school where students live and learn in ten countries over the course of three years, making unforgettable connections between their education and the world around them. 

At THINK Global School, we firmly believe students should be in control of their learning. Through our innovative Changemaker Curriculum, students gain an education through a combination of real-world exploration, skills mastery, and project-based learning. Better yet, they do so while making lifelong friendships with classmates from over thirty countries around the world. 

Imagine conservation projects in Botswana or marine biology studies at the Great Barrier Reef. Students at THINK Global School trade the confines of the classroom for projects that dive deep into the socio-cultural, environmental, political, and economic issues that shape the places they visit. 

We also place as much emphasis on social-emotional development as academic growth, and our small class sizes ensure students always have a mentor or counselor to seek advice from. It also isn't just our educators offering perspective: THINK Global School's student body is one of the most diverse in the world. And while our students represent a wide range of geographic and socioeconomic backgrounds, they are all united by their sense of respect for one another's viewpoints. 

The 21st-century skills that THINK Global School students learn also prepare them for success in the real world: Over 90% of THINK Global School students have gone on to universities like Harvard, Columbia, and Yale following their graduation and are already making their mark on the world. 


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