Exhausted by city life, a young man named Kubo decides to take solace in nature by moving to the lush and mountainous Iya Valley. Hoping to live a self-sufficient life, he soon learns that the realities of living with nature are harsher than he originally thought.
One day, he encounters an elderly man and his granddaughter, Haruna, living in the heart of the mountains without any modern conveniences. Their modest and humble lifestyle moves slowly, almost as if time had stopped for them. With their help, Kubo begins to adjust to life on the mountains.
However, just as Kubo begins to understand the delicate balance between humans and nature, a development project in the valley threatens to tear this harmony apart.
Shot in one of the last untouched regions of Japan, The Tale of Iya stunningly captures the natural beauty of the Iya Valley throughout the changing seasons.
Starring: Rina Takeda, Min Tanaka, Shima Onishi
Winner of Special Mention at the Tokyo International Film Festival 2013, the Aurora Prize at the Tromsø International Film Festival 2014, Best Film Award at the 6th Pan Asia Film Festival 2014, and the Jury Prize at the 38th Hong Kong International Film Festival.
Part of the Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital. For more information and a complete festival schedule, visit the EFF website.
When: March 23, 2016 6:30 pm
When: JICC, Embassy of Japan, 1150 18th St., NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20036
This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Click HERE to register. In the event of a cancellation, please contact us at jicc@ws.mofa.go.jp.
Doors open 30 minutes before the program. No admittance after 7:00PM or once seating is full.
Registered guests will be seated on a first come, first served basis. Please note that seating is limited and registration does not guarantee a seat.